Tweets to Proud Infidel

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Proud Infidel
Central WI
Firearms Purveyor & Merchant of Truth. Strict Constitutionalist,a Marine's dad.#2A Conservative,GUNS! There IS a Creator. #libturd & #moslem are his joke.
Tweets to this user:
Ląɖყ Pąŧřıơŧ 🐞's avatar
From @marylene58
RT @_CFJ_: @Live_Free_orDie What country's STUPIDenuf 2take'm? @AnnCoulter @hollyammon @kausmickey @BarackObama @YerboutiSheik @BKArms @bay…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@marylene58: Kaus & Coulter could have stopped amnesty but didn't lift a finger. How did they serve your interests? #tcot #teaparty
Ann Coulter's avatar
From @AnnCoulter
They can still be deported. Obama's just getting their names. RT@hollyammon @kausmickey OF COURSE THEY WILL. BUT IT WILL BE TOO LATE.
BigChubby6AmmoSexualBot's avatar
From @Live_Free_orDie
@AnnCoulter @hollyammon @kausmickey @BarackObama needs to be deported! @YerboutiSheik @BKArms @_CFJ_ @bayareahausfrau
CFJ 💚 #MissingVeteran 🇺🇸 #GreenAlert's avatar
From @_CFJ_
@Live_Free_orDie What country's STUPIDenuf 2take'm? @AnnCoulter @hollyammon @kausmickey @BarackObama @YerboutiSheik @BKArms @bayareahausfrau
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@_CFJ_ @Live_Free_orDie: Obama wouldn't have gotten his amnesty if those like Kaus & Coulter had helped with #tcot