Tweets to Biz Stone

Biz Stone's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Biz Stone
San Francisco, CA
Dad, husband, and entrepreneur. Co-founder of Twitter, Medium, and Jelly. Back at Twitter.
Tweets to this user:
GlenHarp's avatar
From @GlenHarp1
RT @Sapient6000: .@jack @delbius @biz @vijaya @Twitter @TwitterSupport @TwitterSafety So, my account is set for 'reply deboosting', but t…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
I've located the source of your problem. Just like Trump you want "speech for me but not for thee". MT @GlenHarp1 MT @Sapient6000 [to Twitter hacks] So, my account is set for 'reply deboosting', but the #NeoFascistinChief, who should have been banned from your platform is not?!
🅱🅴🅻🅻🅰's avatar
From @SansMerci86
Hey, @jack @vijaya @delbius @biz @yoyoel @Twitter @TwitterSupport @TwitterSeattle for days I watch your site screw…
🅱🅴🅻🅻🅰's avatar
From @SansMerci86
making my old mutual follows think I unfollowed them and new followers think they follow me. I will renew my subscr…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SansMerci86: Twitter heavily censors *all* kinds of users & U.S. libs/cons are a very small part of their users (80% of which are outside U.S.) If you find a reporter to cover the data at my pinned tweet, you'll undercut both Twitter and Trump.
🅱🅴🅻🅻🅰's avatar
From @SansMerci86
Hey @jack @TwitterSupport @Twitter @Vijaya @delbius @biz @yoyoel @TwitterSafety please explain how this is even pos…
Stewart Torbaydos 🌊's avatar
From @STorbaydos
@SansMerci86 @jack @TwitterSupport @Twitter @vijaya @delbius @biz @yoyoel @TwitterSafety So pleased for you Bella
🅱🅴🅻🅻🅰's avatar
From @SansMerci86
@STorbaydos @jack @TwitterSupport @Twitter @vijaya @delbius @biz @yoyoel @TwitterSafety What are you talking about?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SansMerci86: one of the easiest ways to undercut Trump/Parscale to their base is to point out *to MAGA* that they're lying about who Twitter censors. See "Parscale is wrong about Twitter censorship" on Youtube, then help find an MSM reporter to cover that.
@elle_desylva’s art file 🌷🦋🌼's avatar
From @MissNyetTrump
RT @MissNyetTrump: I’m not the only one who was suspended in the latest sweeps... @Twitter @TwitterSupport @Ginja @Biz @policy @TwitterSaf…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Twitter heavily censors replies - most from liberals - to Trump officials. If you'll help find a reporter to cover the real data at my pinned tweet you can help stop that. MT @MissNyetTrump I’m not the only one who was suspended in the latest sweeps
The One Who Will Have Constitutional Carry in June's avatar
From @Dangdurnit
I miss free speech for everyone Twitter cc: .@jack .@biz .@ev .@delbius .@vijaya .@Twitter
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Back in July I told you about the data at my pinned tweet showing Twitter heavily censors all kinds of users. That makes them much, much more vulnerable than r/w leaders let on. When will you help use it against Twitter? MT @Dangdurnit I miss free speech for everyone...