Tweets to McCafferty’s Bib

McCafferty’s Bib's avatar
Twitter handle: 
McCafferty’s Bib
Allston - Brighton, Boston
“The toothpaste won’t go back in the bottle since it granted our wish, and we will never be rid of McCafferty’s Bib”
Tweets to this user:
Anntensity's avatar
From @anntensity
They're gonna try to impeach Ann Coulter in 2026.
McCafferty’s Bib's avatar
From @BibMccafferty
@anntensity @AnnCoulter actually means what she says about immigration and would actually act on it. Her impeachment would be bipartisan.
Jesse Wooten's avatar
From @JesseWooten18
@BibMccafferty @anntensity @AnnCoulter Ann would pick a really good VP. That way, after about 3 months of being Pre…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Coulter thinks Trump's vaporware (3 years later, no wall) "wall" is viable & would be "forever" (Dems'll tear it down). She hyped the NFL. She refuses to help the *smart* anti-amnesty plan in my bio. She's bad news. MT @JesseWooten18 [@AnnCoulter would pick a good VP]
Anntensity's avatar
From @anntensity
Tweet me your huddled belated birthday wishes for Ann Coulter, yearning to breathe free
McCafferty’s Bib's avatar
From @BibMccafferty
@anntensity I was retweeted by @AnnCoulter today, so nothing else that happens this week is gonna matter.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@BibMccafferty: - @AnnCoulter hyped NFLBLM & smeared the whites-friendly soccer - she thinks the "wall" would be "forever", yet Congress'll tear it down when Trump's out of office - she's repeatedly refused to help with my bio's very smart anti-amnesty plan. Coulter = grifter.