Tweets to Arthur in the Garden

Arthur in the Garden's avatar
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Arthur in the Garden
Raleigh, NC
The world curated! Gardener in Downtown Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. Exploring downtown! Instagram:
Tweets to this user:
The White House's avatar
From @WhiteHouse
There's nothing partisan about wanting to protect our borders to encourage LEGAL immigration. In 2009, Sen. Chuck S…
Bruce Acheson's avatar
From @bruceach
@WhiteHouse Yes, but no one was talking about a wall. Funding was approved in 2996 & 2008 to strengthen boarder sec…
Arthur in the Garden's avatar
From @arthurb3
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
So, you agree with the 2009 Chuck Schumer in wanting massive "LEGAL" #immigration? Just as long as it's "LEGAL", it's OK??? #MAGA RT @WhiteHouse There's nothing partisan about wanting to protect our borders to encourage LEGAL immigration. In 2009, Sen. Chuck Schumer agreed
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@arthurb3: the smart thing to point out is that a) Trump agrees with the 2009 Chuck Schumer, and b) Trump supports massive #immigration as long as it's legal. Both of those will undercut him to his base. Ask your leaders why they didn't point that out to you.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@bruceach: Trump wants amnesty & massive legal #immigration. Repeatedly pointing that out to his base & challenging his proxies on that would really undercut him. Instead, your leaders push things like name-calling that obviously don't work. Challenge them on it!