Tweets to Alana Mastrangelo

Alana Mastrangelo's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Alana Mastrangelo
United States / Italy
first-generation American / @BreitbartNews reporter / @JohnCarrollU alumna / @NRA life member / all opinions are mine
Tweets to this user:
Alana Mastrangelo's avatar
From @ARmastrangelo
BREAKING: President Trump arrives in Afghanistan for a surprise Thanksgiving visit with our troops!
Greg Badalian's avatar
From @greg_badalian
@ARmastrangelo You just blew the suprise!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@greg_badalian: @ARmastrangelo blogs about the fired Newsweek reporter, without even mentioning that she appears to be a scapegoat. Even thejasonhopkins admits that. I've written 1000s of posts (& 100s of comments on BB before being banned). I'd never do what Alana does.
Alana Mastrangelo's avatar
From @ARmastrangelo
I want ICE to set up more fake schools.
Rick_Gains's avatar
From @Rick_Gains
@ARmastrangelo How about a fake DMV
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
I want Breitbart to reach out to AOC fans & point out to them - in a way palatable to them - how her pro-Big Biz immigration policies would greatly harm workers. When'll Trump/Breitbart do it? MT @Rick_Gains [fake DMVs too] RT @ARmastrangelo I want...more fake [ICE] schools
Alana Mastrangelo's avatar
From @ARmastrangelo
ACT for America founder Brigitte Gabriel was also put on Facebook’s list of “Hate Agents” along with Candace Owens.…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ARmastrangelo: #Breitbart banned me after dozens of comments over several years, for absolutely no reason other than that they couldn't take me constantly showing Trump wrong (and for pointing out that Breitbart is pro-amnesty like Trump). That's a big admission of weakness.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ARmastrangelo: yet another thing Breitbart misleads about is Twitter censorship. Twitter heavily censors libs replying to Trump officials. It really doesn't take much to prove that, yet no con leaders are capable of doing even the most basic of research.
Fiddler on the Roof's avatar
From @Wulfeman
RT @ARmastrangelo: Obama couldn't accomplish in 8 years any of what Trump did in 1 -Iran deal decertified -Record low unemployment -Reduc…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Legalizing DREAMers... I guess amnesty is now #MAGA. MT @Wulfeman RT @ARmastrangelo: Obama couldn't accomplish in 8 years any of what Trump did in 1