Tweets to Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Ann Coulter
Los Angeles/NYC
Tweets to this user:
Richard Weaving's avatar
From @RichardWeaving
@AnnCoulter BREAKING NEWS: Video Surfaces Showing OBAMA All In For Protecting The Border And Extream Vetting. In Hi…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RichardWeaving: you wouldn't answer about Trump's amnesty, so try another: why didn't Trump just ramp up screening? Wouldn't we be safer?
Danie Botha ❌'s avatar
From @DanieBotha
RT @Lrihendry: BOOM @AnnCoulter NAILS IT AGAIN! Extreme vetting for Trump nominees, NOT for Muslims! #ImmigrationOrder #MuslimTravelBan…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@DanieBotha @Lrihendry: Trump needs to tell these judges "the only 'three branches' of govt we need are Me, Myself, and I!" #MAGA
ILANA Mercer's avatar
From @IlanaMercer
They're not refugees, they're not brilliant, they don't have a constitutional right to come here & they're very, very expensive. @AnnCoulter
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@IlanaMercer: remember what I told you in May: ? Why didn't Trump just do that & avoid the courts?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@IlanaMercer: most or all of #MuslimBan will be blocked by the courts. Trump will have helped ISIS & not implemented stringent screening.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@IlanaMercer: have some patriotism. Start demanding smart plans & implementations. Not crazy plans that fail miserably.
EducatingBen 🇺🇸 🏳️‍🌈 🇮🇱's avatar
From @ben_techpro
Right on @AnnCoulter!! | Give Me Your Tired Arguments
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ben_techpro: in Aug 2014 I sought your help to stop Obama's immigration agenda: Why did you help him?
EducatingBen 🇺🇸 🏳️‍🌈 🇮🇱's avatar
From @ben_techpro
@24AheadDotCom_ I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't help him do anything.
Raven's avatar
From @KazeSkyz
.@AnnCoulter: Give Me Your Tired Arguments...
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@KazeSkyz: I never heard back from you. Why didn't Trump try to undercut BLM when he had the chance: ?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@AnnCoulter smears Iraqi translator who put his life on the line for USA: #MAGA?
John McCormack's avatar
From @McCormackJohn
RT @McCormackJohn: His skill was serving as an interpreter for the US military during the Iraq war…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@McCormackJohn: educate @AnnCoulter suckers how much Trump agrees with Weekly Standard on amnesty & how he just helped ACLU raise $20 mil.
#Women for Jordan Peterson's avatar
From @AzDeplorable
RT @AzDeplorable: Stop racism Again white people. White privilege is a myth and it was invented by liberals and Hollywood to justify their…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@AzDeplorable @RamboBraveheart: what do you think about @AnnCoulter 's hatred for #soccer vs NFL/NBA? Too many white players? #AltRight
Ann Coulter's avatar
From @AnnCoulter
Dems don't believe in extreme vetting of Muslims. Just Trump nominees.
John Doherty's avatar
From @Babababootsiea
@AnnCoulter I would love to hear what extreme vetting Trump has in mind that isnt already being done.
Two Scoops Daryl's avatar
From @dada3444
@Babababootsiea @AnnCoulter extreme vetting is code for Denied KEEP AMERICA GREAT
John Doherty's avatar
From @Babababootsiea
@dada3444 @AnnCoulter It's code for cowardice. These people are running for their lives from ISIS. They deserve to live.
From @akitahead
@Babababootsiea @dada3444 @AnnCoulter Now you see why we will die before we give up our guns? We will never run. You saying Trumps a coward?
John Doherty's avatar
From @Babababootsiea
@akitahead @dada3444 @AnnCoulter Yes,he's afraid of Women & children whose only crime was fleeing mass murderers. Bush admin created ISIS...
John Doherty's avatar
From @Babababootsiea
@Babababootsiea @akitahead @dada3444 @AnnCoulter The least we can do is protect those who are fleeing from ISIS.
Mike's avatar
From @MikeMartin1733
@Babababootsiea @akitahead @dada3444 @AnnCoulter so go over and protect them. Not our problem.
xelá (anticorona account)'s avatar
From @kingfinnesser
@MikeMartin1733 @Babababootsiea @akitahead @dada3444 @AnnCoulter this is not the mentality to have. its scary that you would say that
Mike's avatar
From @MikeMartin1733
@kingfinnesser @Babababootsiea @akitahead @dada3444 @AnnCoulter no, it's exactly the right mentality.
xelá (anticorona account)'s avatar
From @kingfinnesser
@MikeMartin1733 @Babababootsiea @akitahead @dada3444 @AnnCoulter thats how genocide happens we turn a blind eye to problems
Mike's avatar
From @MikeMartin1733
@kingfinnesser @Babababootsiea @akitahead @dada3444 @AnnCoulter if we're not the world's police we also shouldn't be its landfill.
xelá (anticorona account)'s avatar
From @kingfinnesser
@MikeMartin1733 @Babababootsiea @akitahead @dada3444 @AnnCoulter you dont just ban them cause we doing something lmfao
Mike's avatar
From @MikeMartin1733
@kingfinnesser @Babababootsiea @akitahead @dada3444 @AnnCoulter actually we CAN just ban anyone who's not a US citizen & for whatever reason
From @akitahead
@MikeMartin1733 @kingfinnesser @Babababootsiea @dada3444 @AnnCoulter Yes we can. Feels good not letting the rest of world walk all over us
xelá (anticorona account)'s avatar
From @kingfinnesser
@akitahead @MikeMartin1733 @Babababootsiea @dada3444 @AnnCoulter having basic human decency is the world walking over us?
From @akitahead
@kingfinnesser @MikeMartin1733 @Babababootsiea @dada3444 @AnnCoulter Where all the good Islams in all of this? Why are they not taking them?
xelá (anticorona account)'s avatar
From @kingfinnesser
@akitahead @MikeMartin1733 @Babababootsiea @dada3444 @AnnCoulter cause the ppl in power fear the few bad ppl which are in every group
From @akitahead
@kingfinnesser @MikeMartin1733 @Babababootsiea @dada3444 @AnnCoulter Please I know you`re smarter than that. That was a complete cop out
xelá (anticorona account)'s avatar
From @kingfinnesser
@akitahead @MikeMartin1733 @Babababootsiea @dada3444 @AnnCoulter tell me if 1 billion ppl were acting like terrorist we would be fucked
From @akitahead
@kingfinnesser @MikeMartin1733 @Babababootsiea @dada3444 @AnnCoulter No reply?? I figured you`d school me on Muslims. Guess I'm right
xelá (anticorona account)'s avatar
From @kingfinnesser
@akitahead @MikeMartin1733 @Babababootsiea @dada3444 @AnnCoulter what did you want me to answer?
From @akitahead
@kingfinnesser @MikeMartin1733 @Babababootsiea @dada3444 @AnnCoulter You are saying only 1/3 of Muslims are not terrorist. Right??
xelá (anticorona account)'s avatar
From @kingfinnesser
@akitahead @MikeMartin1733 @Babababootsiea @dada3444 @AnnCoulter no lmfao most of them are not terrorists
From @akitahead
@kingfinnesser @MikeMartin1733 @Babababootsiea @dada3444 @AnnCoulter You said 1bil are acting like terrorist. No? What about Europe too?
xelá (anticorona account)'s avatar
From @kingfinnesser
@akitahead @MikeMartin1733 @Babababootsiea @dada3444 @AnnCoulter and europe just let them flood in with no real plan of what to do with them
From @akitahead
@kingfinnesser @MikeMartin1733 @Babababootsiea @dada3444 @AnnCoulter Whatever man. You say something. Then back track.Good Muslims cant help
xelá (anticorona account)'s avatar
From @kingfinnesser
@akitahead @MikeMartin1733 @Babababootsiea @dada3444 @AnnCoulter i didnt back track i said if there english your first language ?
From @akitahead
@kingfinnesser @MikeMartin1733 @Babababootsiea @dada3444 @AnnCoulter So where is Amerikkka? Seems like you just like to make shit up.
xelá (anticorona account)'s avatar
From @kingfinnesser
@akitahead @MikeMartin1733 @Babababootsiea @dada3444 @AnnCoulter amerikkka is the form of america i live in it reflects my reality
Mike's avatar
From @MikeMartin1733
@kingfinnesser @akitahead @Babababootsiea @dada3444 @AnnCoulter you live in democrat sponsored KKK territory? How sad.
xelá (anticorona account)'s avatar
From @kingfinnesser
@MikeMartin1733 @akitahead @Babababootsiea @dada3444 @AnnCoulter kkk loves trump amd also republicans both sides are kkk sponsors
Mike's avatar
From @MikeMartin1733
@kingfinnesser @akitahead @Babababootsiea @dada3444 @AnnCoulter democrats founded the kkk. Try thinking, not blindly believing.
John Doherty's avatar
From @Babababootsiea
@MikeMartin1733 @AnnCoulter I'm so sick of this right wing cop out. The south fought the civil war because they wanted to keep Black...
John Doherty's avatar
From @Babababootsiea
@MikeMartin1733 @AnnCoulter People as slaves. The south used to vote democrat,its true. But when a democratic president had the nerve to..
John Doherty's avatar
From @Babababootsiea
@Babababootsiea @MikeMartin1733 @AnnCoulter Pass the civil rights act and voter rights act, all the southern racists switched to GOP...
Mike's avatar
From @MikeMartin1733
@Babababootsiea @AnnCoulter that's a myth.
John Doherty's avatar
From @Babababootsiea
@MikeMartin1733 @AnnCoulter Facts. Conservatives are allergic to them.
Mike's avatar
From @MikeMartin1733
@Babababootsiea @AnnCoulter as I said, just bc YOU call something a fact doesn't necessarily make it so.
John Doherty's avatar
From @Babababootsiea
@MikeMartin1733 @AnnCoulter Your side has "Alternative" facts. You should be ashamed of your party. They behave like a totalitarian regime.
Mike's avatar
From @MikeMartin1733
@Babababootsiea @AnnCoulter I'm not a democrat. THEY'RE the party of totalitarianism and fascism.
John Doherty's avatar
From @Babababootsiea
@MikeMartin1733 @AnnCoulter Banning entry into USA based on religion is the work of a fascist. So is discrediting the press.
Mike's avatar
From @MikeMartin1733
@Babababootsiea @AnnCoulter 1. It's not a religious ban 2. We can block ANY non citizen from entering 3. Media discredited itself
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MikeMartin1733: ACLU took in $24 mil due to #MuslimBan; ISIS will use to get new members. +Giuliani admitted it was conceived as M. ban.
Unknown user's avatar
From @placeholderacctignorethis
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Coulter helped elect President Grahamnesty. Put USA before your idolatry. MT @DebFreedomVoice RT @RealBeliinnda: @AnnCoulter You're my idol
Belinda's avatar
From @RealBeliinnda
@24AheadDotCom_ @DebFreedomVoice @AnnCoulter Never mind .
