Tweets to Andrew Follett

Andrew Follett's avatar
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Andrew Follett
Fairfax, VA
Senior Analyst @club4growth. Views my own, don't represent CFG. Former @DailyCaller Celebrity Scientist, DOE, NASA, & House Science. RTs/likes NOT endorsements
Tweets to this user:
Saagar Enjeti's avatar
From @esaagar
Worth remembering when assessing his credibility that Hunter told the New Yorker he had never been with this woman.…
Andrew Follett's avatar
From @AndrewCFollett
@esaagar @AndrewKerrNC Screenshot for those who are lazy. @JoeBiden is a #DeadBeatGrandDad.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Thanks for pointing out yet again how disreputable @club4growth is (sins of the son, etc.) Has C4G ever directly challenged a Biden on how it thinks they're wrong about policy, y/n? MT @AndrewCFollett JoeBiden is a #DeadBeatGrandDad [based on a Hunter Biden personal issue].
Andrew Follett's avatar
From @AndrewCFollett
Just so you know @HBO and @netflix, I and everyone I know would watch the hell out of a Joe Morrissey documentary o…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
I & everyone I know would wave goodbye as you, everyone you know, & everyone like you began a 3 year stint on a sovkhoz. MT @AndrewCFollett Just so you know HBO and netflix, I and everyone I know would watch the hell out of a Joe Morrissey documentary or miniseries.