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AND Magazine
Washington, DC
Politics, Foreign Policy, National Security, & Culture.
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AND Magazine's avatar
From @ANDmagazine
"The Left And That Inconvenient 1st Amendment - Silencing Dissenting Views And Telling Us How To Think"…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Set up fake disqus/twitter accounts & make just some of the very many valid anti-Trump arguments to Trump fans. See how they respond. MT @ANDmagazine "The Left And That Inconvenient 1st Amendment - Silencing Dissenting Views And Telling Us How To Think"
AND Magazine's avatar
From @ANDmagazine
"The Left And That Inconvenient 1st Amendment - Silencing Dissenting Views And Telling Us How To Think"…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
When r/w'ers have the power, they're as keen to censor as l/w'ers. If your goal is to reduce censorship, libs & inds have to be on board. You're part of the problem. MT @ANDmagazine "The Left & That Inconvenient 1st Amdt - Silencing Dissenting Views And Telling Us How To Think"