Tweets to Squad Member Amy

Squad Member Amy's avatar
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Squad Member Amy
Person, Human Being, Individual, Homo Sapiens Sapiens
Tweets to this user:
Shannon Watts's avatar
From @shannonrwatts
Pundits and anchors: Please don’t speculate about the possible causes of gun violence in America. It’s not mental i…
Squad Member Amy's avatar
From @amyriscool
@shannonrwatts Toronto, Ontario has virtually the same t.v. and video games as anyplace in the U.S., and merely an…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
MT @shannonrwatts Pundits and anchors: Please don’t speculate about the possible causes of gun violence in America. It’s not mental illness. It’s not video games. It’s not polarization. IT. IS. EASY. ACCESS. TO. GUNS. The data is there. Please use it [deceptive Bloomberg data]
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Canada (& Norway) are awash in guns. Your attempt to support @shannonrwatts actually shows her wrong. MT @amyriscool [unintentionally shows @shannonrwatts wrong] Toronto has virtually same TV/video games as USA & merely an infinitesimal number of gun violence incidents.