Tweets to Anatoly Kurmanaev

Anatoly Kurmanaev's avatar
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Anatoly Kurmanaev
Siberian Latino. New York Times reporter in Caracas. Previously with Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Interfax in Russia & LatAm. Opinions own. @HCSibir si señor
Tweets to this user:
Jamie Snow's avatar
From @sdkitergirl
@peterbakernyt @AKurmanaev I just read your article. I have a two year old.... like Anailin... is there anything, a…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@sdkitergirl: you can help VZ & other countries by opposing NeoLiberals/vulture capitalists. A recent example is Trump's merit-based #immigration scheme that would rob struggling foreign countries of the leaders they need to avoid getting even worse.
FdelaMemoriaUrbana's avatar
@AKurmanaev And also a bunch of decent patriots, working to maintain the dignity of our country
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@FUNDAMEMORIA: salary of @AKurmanaev is paid by Slim. Trump is largely controlled by the Koch bros. Slim/Koch/etc only see your country as a way to make money such as by taking the leaders you need. Both would braindrain your country dry given the chance.
Peter Baker's avatar
From @peterbakernyt
Venezuela’s fall is the single largest economic collapse outside of war in at least 45 years, eclipsing the fall of…
Juan Torres's avatar
@peterbakernyt @AKurmanaev Proof that socialism does not work
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Socialism Lite seems to work just fine in EU esp Scandinavia. Maybe there are other factors to consider. MT @JVTORRESQ [VZ is] Proof that socialism does not work
Anatoly Kurmanaev's avatar
From @AKurmanaev
When I got to Venezuela in 2013 it reminded me of dying USSR: massive shortages, black markets, hoarding. Now it fe…
Juan M. Planas's avatar
From @juanplanasr
@AKurmanaev It's hard to compare the Venezuelan collapse to anything that isn't born straight out of science fiction.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@juanplanasr: @AKurmanaev is paid to push NeoLiberal/vulture capitalist policies. The #NYTimes (and Trump, who's largely controlled by the Koch bros) would do to Venezuela via mass skilled immigration (and thus braindrain) what Maduro has done via policy.