Tweets to Abraham Don-John Trump

Abraham Don-John Trump's avatar
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Abraham Don-John Trump
United States
I really do like Turtles and President Trump is really my boss. No I'm not the real Abraham Lincoln or the @RealDonaldTrump. #GoFundTheWall #MAGA
Tweets to this user:
Abraham Don-John Trump's avatar
From @_I_LikeTurtles
RT @jojoh888: I want to know why Twitter gets away with applying a set of rules to conservatives where we are clearly censored and liberals…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
My data shows tweets from liberals to GOPChairwoman are heavily censored. About as many libs as cons are censored overall. Now that you know, what'll you do? MT @_I_LikeTurtles MT @jojoh888: I want to know why Twitter gets away with applying a set of rules to conservatives...