Tweets to 2018 Liberal

2018 Liberal's avatar
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2018 Liberal
United States
I'm done arguing, I know I'm right: 1)People should be treated as equals 2)The strong have a responsibility to help the weak 3)Trump is a traitor #Resist #FBR
Tweets to this user:
Celeste Pettijohn's avatar
From @CelestialProLLC
RT @2018_Liberal: Just a reminder: Hardcore white supremacists love putin, and have loved him for years. He is their aryan savior and willโ€ฆ
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Liberally deranged -> MT @CelestialProLLC RT @2018_Liberal: Just a reminder: Hardcore white supremacists love putin, and have loved him for years. He is their aryan savior