Tweets to KC TacoBowl Covfefe👠🇺🇸

KC TacoBowl Covfefe👠🇺🇸's avatar
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KC TacoBowl Covfefe👠🇺🇸
In your head Zombie
Not a crowd follower. #Rescue #Vegan #COS #MAGA #KAG #FreeEmbassyCat #2A #WWG1WGA 🚫No trains or lists🚫
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KC TacoBowl Covfefe👠🇺🇸's avatar
From @1Kimsey
RT @Lesley3666: @AnnCoulter Ann, It appears one can no longer disagree with a black person, without being labeled a racist and our previou…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Do you think that might have something to do with the talking points provided to you by Coulter, etc. etc.? MT @1Kimsey MT @Lesley3666: @AnnCoulter Ann, It appears one can no longer disagree with a black person, without being labeled a racist