Tweets to Stonewall Jackson

Stonewall Jackson's avatar
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Stonewall Jackson
American History Buff. Believer In Free Speech. Believes That America Was Once Great And Could Be Again Once We End Political Correctness.
Tweets to this user:
BABS--01 ❌'s avatar
From @aircrafttest1
RT @TemporarilyE: @1776Stonewall We need to challenge censorship rather than thinking conservatism is the ultimate Noble cause #jameswoods
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Cons couldn't be censored so easily by Twitter etc if they didn't only oppose censorship of those who agree w/ them. MT @aircrafttest1 MT @TemporarilyE: @1776Stonewall We need to challenge censorship rather than thinking conservatism is the ultimate Noble cause #jameswoods
❌AmericanMade❌'s avatar
From @UghToHillary
RT @1776Stonewall: I hear Democrats asking "i thought Mexico was paying for wall?" - Trump always said that they would pay for it, in one w…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Did he ever say he'd trade amnesty for it, yes or no? Why didn't #MAGA reveal they were willing to trade amnesty for a wall? MT @UghToHillary RT @1776Stonewall: I hear Democrats asking "i thought Mexico was paying for wall?" - Trump always said that they would pay for it