Tweets to Roy Edroso

Roy Edroso's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Roy Edroso
Washington DC, N.E.
But I'm a comedian, not a liar. I can afford the luxury of honesty.
Tweets to this user:
Roy Edroso's avatar
From @edroso
This is how people who are losing the argument talk.
Roy Edroso's avatar
From @edroso
“Do what we say or we will kill you” is increasingly the default conservative argument
Quantum Quorum's avatar
From @Anarchae0logist
@edroso Scratch a Conservative, find an authoritarian
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Are SJWs/antifa authoritarians? Has antifa ever engaged opponents in debate or just used violence? MT @Anarchae0logist [they's authoritarians!] RT @edroso “Do what we say or we will kill you” is increasingly the default conservative argument
Roy Edroso's avatar
From @edroso
Ringo was a great drummer. Ask actual rock musicians if they would prefer playing with a jazz drummer or Ringo.
Bill Krause's avatar
From @BillKrause2
@edroso Before Ringo the Beatles sounded like a droopy Buddy Holly cover band; when he joined they instantly sounded like the Beatles.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@BillKrause2: FWIW, the Beatles are in the rock'n'roll pantheon. Their songs are like something from English Music Halls, but they're in the pantheon. @edroso
Roy Edroso's avatar
From @edroso
RT @HeerJeet: 1. one "side" = annoying college students. One "side" = authoritarian-leaning party that has unified control of American gove…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@edroso: FYI, @heerjeet was incapable of backing up his smears (start at the first page chronologically). Do you think #TheResistance consistently only helping Trump might have something to do with how they do things & who their leaders are?
Roy Edroso's avatar
From @edroso
Alright, the Juggalos have already won the Battle of the DC Rallies #JuggaloMarch
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@edroso: which top Trump opponents do you think did the most competent job opposing him? I mean #TheResistance leaders: Cher, Olberman...
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
@edroso: thanks for the link and the EdrosoLanche. If I find out who the visitor was I'll let you know.