Tweets to Bob Martin

Bob Martin's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Bob Martin
Chico, CA
A child of 60's Berkeley. A disappointed adult.
Tweets to this user:
Bob Martin's avatar
From @NordBob
@Yamiche @FinchelsteinF Bloomberg could lead an effort to create a fund for devastated wage workers and elderly. Teโ€ฆ
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
That's OK, but only USG has the $ needed. What *you* can do right now is shame Yamiche into finally asking *tough* questions: "How many more ventilators & when?" MT @NordBob Bloomberg [etc] could lead an effort to create a fund for devastated wage workers and elderly..
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@NordBob: when @Yamiche refuses to ask *tough* questions about *real* issues but persists in weak clickbait questions, help me destroy her career via SEO, undercutting her to colleagues & her fans, etc.
Bob Martin's avatar
From @NordBob
@sbg1 Sen. John Boozman's offices: 202-224-4843 DC 501-372-7153 Little Rock 479-573-0189 Fort Smith 479-725-0400 Loโ€ฆ
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@NordBob: remember 'Question Authority'? A simple question (scroll back) would expose how Trump's wall would fail *to his base*. They don't think it'd fail now. I'm sure you realize making MAGA realize Trump's wall won't last would be devastating. Why hasn't @sbg1 tried it?