Tweets to D Carney

D Carney's avatar
Twitter handle: 
D Carney
Utah, USA
Horse owner, dog lover, like most sports involving horses. Disturbed about what’s happening to our country.
Tweets to this user:
Cuomo Prime Time's avatar
From @CuomoPrimeTime
"Shame on you and every Trumper and never-Trumper who voted against this." @ChrisCuomo addresses those who voted a…
D Carney's avatar
From @Dcarney81
@CuomoPrimeTime @ChrisCuomo I’m very disappointed in the Dems. who didn’t vote for it, especially @BenMcAdams. Why????
MaUmiSay's avatar
From @MaUmiSay
@Dcarney81 @CuomoPrimeTime @ChrisCuomo @BenMcAdams Because they don't take their oath seriously
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MaUmiSay: way back in 2015 I accurately described how Trump's signature plans - the reason most voted for him - would fail. All @CuomoPrimeTime had to do was call a Trump proxy on that & Trump would've dropped out. Why are you enabling a proven failure?