Tweets to U.S. Embassy KL

U.S. Embassy KL's avatar
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U.S. Embassy KL
Kuala Lumpur
Official Twitter of the Embassy of the United States of America, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. RT β‰  endorse.
Tweets to this user:
Ajit Pai's avatar
From @AjitPaiFCC
As I leave Asia for home, thinking of the many amazing @StateDept officials who made this a successful trip for our…
Viddles's avatar
From @Dviddles
@AjitPaiFCC @StateDept @usembassykl @RedWhiteBlueDot @usembassytokyo Do Asians receive 5 billion Robocalls a month like Americans do?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Dviddles: your question is extremely weak & would just help @AjitPaiFCC. If you really care about robocalls, recruit a smart person to go ask him tough policy questions at his public appearances. On video for Youtube. The key parts are "smart" & "tough".