Tweets to Joe Fann

Joe Fann's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Joe Fann
Seattle, WA
Seahawks Insider for NBC Sports Northwest. Member of the PFWA. Yes, that's my real name. Trying to inform w/ a side of humor, entertainment & self-deprecation.
Tweets to this user:
Joe Fann's avatar
From @Joe_Fann
Yikes, the Rams PA announcer legit just instructed fans on... how to be fans. - Be quiet when the Rams are on offeโ€ฆ
Josh Cashman's avatar
From @CableThanos_
@Joe_Fann Rams rules learn em or get out!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Why's that surprising? Kneeball players need constant babying, Jim Bakker-level affirmations, a politburo to direct their every move... Kneeball is a joke sport. MT @CableThanos_ [agrees] MT @Joe_Fann Yikes, the Rams PA announcer legit just instructed fans on... how to be fans.