Tweets to Strider_Blaze ⬆️⬇️🔁

Strider_Blaze ⬆️⬇️🔁's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Strider_Blaze ⬆️⬇️🔁
California, USA
Capcom Nerd (formerly a Capcom-Unity moderator, 09/2011 - 05/2016), Brony, and fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe! Fjorm for #SuperSmashBrosUltimate!
Tweets to this user:
Rep. Katie Hill's avatar
From @RepKatieHill
Thank you to all the firefighters and first responders working to keep our community safe during the #TickFire. Ple…
James Polk's avatar
From @JPolk5001
@RepKatieHill @LACOFD Ignore the haters. Stay strong. You’re doing a fantastic job and we support you 1000%
Strider_Blaze ⬆️⬇️🔁's avatar
From @BurningKikoken
@RepKatieHill @LACOFD I’m just glad you managed to keep your composure considering “certain insensitive people” but…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JPolk5001: the @RepKatieHill scandal started on #RedState. It's been easy to undercut them (and their exes Erickson and others) for years based on my experience with them. Those like you who knew about it either cheered what they did or ignored it. Blame your leaders.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@BurningKikoken: for years and years, those in the @RepKatieHill sphere have had the ability to undercut #RedState using my arguments and my experience with them. Your leaders that knew about it either cheered it or ignored it. They ended up hurting Katie.