Tweets to How To Live Bullshit Free (aka A L Katz)

How To Live Bullshit Free (aka A L Katz)'s avatar
Twitter handle: 
How To Live Bullshit Free (aka A L Katz)
Los Angeles, CA
Don't judge me by my numbers. In a previous Twitter life, I had kajillions of followers. In a life before that, I wrote/produced HBO's Tales From The Crypt
Tweets to this user:
James LaPorta's avatar
From @JimLaPorta
New at @Newsweek - Official Who Heard Call Says President @realDonaldTrump 'Got Rolled' By Turkey and 'Has No Spine…
Kirk Merritt's avatar
From @Kirk4Defiance
@JimLaPorta @Newsweek @realDonaldTrump WOW! Nice get James! You've reached insider status. But oh POTUS g…
How To Live Bullshit Free (aka A L Katz)'s avatar
From @LiveBSFree
@JimLaPorta @aravosis @Newsweek @realDonaldTrump Any spine @realDonaldTrump "might" have is on loan from Vladimir Putin.
🗽Blonde in Brooklyn🗽's avatar
From @BlondeinBklyn
@JimLaPorta @GlennKesslerWP @Newsweek @realDonaldTrump The American people are calling for a total and complete shu…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Trump's ban is/was incredibly easy to show ineffective/harmful to his base; I recently tweeted one way. Name a #TheResistance leader who's even tried it MT @BlondeinBklyn Americans call for total/complete shutdown of Trump calls until we can figure out what the hell is going on
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Jim's blog is impotent: Trump fans/leaners think Jim's Deep State & Trump's playing 12d chess. #TheResistance isn't smart enough to show "12d chess" wrong or even to realize the importance of it. MT @LiveBSFree [weak snark] MT @JimLaPorta [someone says TK "rolled" Trump]
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Kirk4Defiance: Trump fans will put every @JimLaPorta whine down to him being Deep State & Trump playing 12d chess. It's incredibly easy to show "12d chess" wrong, but all #TheResistance combined doesn't have the brainpower to do it. All they know how to do is to help Trump.