Tweets to NYMag Communications

NYMag Communications's avatar
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NYMag Communications
Updates from New York Magazine, including @nymag @thecut @vulture @intelligencer @grubstreet and @strategist. Part of @voxmediainc.
Tweets to this user:
Jason Tselentis's avatar
From @JasonTselentis GIF via @CBSSunday
Jason Tselentis's avatar
From @JasonTselentis
Watching @CBSSunday, seeing @NYMag & @MiltonGlaserInc was the highlight of my TV weekend. I grew up getting that ma…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JasonTselentis: I left dozens of comments at #NYMag showing them wrong & got brigaded. They made me change my name from what you see here, putting a nondescript name on my (c) content. They ghosted new comments. @nymagPR has zero integrity & their actions admit they're wrong.
NYMag Communications's avatar
From @nymagPR
Vulture is pleased to announce that @BilgeEbiri and @alisonwillmore have joined the site as film critics. Bilge wil…
Lara Zarum's avatar
From @larazarum
@nymagPR @BilgeEbiri @alisonwillmore @NYMag bout time they put a ring on it!! congrats!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@larazarum: FYI, after leaving dozens of comments showing them wrong, @nymagPR basically banned me. Those are not the actions of a site that's printing accurate information.