Tweets to Taylor Scheinuk

Taylor Scheinuk's avatar
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Taylor Scheinuk
New Orleans
Smart Growth advocate & fountain pen lover. Grad Student at University of New Orleans pursuing a Master's of Urban and Regional Planning.
Tweets to this user:
Christopher Mathias's avatar
From @letsgomathias
Last year a Proud Boy was filmed saying undocumented immigrants should have their heads smashed "into the concrete.โ€ฆ
Christopher Mathias's avatar
From @letsgomathias
$36,017.69 was raised. Put another way: each fascist who turned up in Portland last weekend ended up personally raโ€ฆ
Taylor Scheinuk's avatar
From @MiataDragon
@letsgomathias @HuffPost So they literally could have just donated their travel and hotel expenses and could've raised more...pfffft
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MiataDragon: as a UNO grad student, you should be able to figure out that @letsgomathias is just as much "fa" as Proud Boys (and probably more so). "Fa" wants to quash debate, incl using violence. Mathias supports those who want to quash debate, incl using violence.