Tweets to Chris Papio

Chris Papio's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Chris Papio
None of your business
Chyler Leigh and Emily Andras fan, animal rescuer. Helping the homeless, Marvel & DC nerd, 🌈 independent voter #FightForWynonnaEarp, block trump trolls
Tweets to this user:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's avatar
From @AOC
No matter who you are or what your status is, this is the United States of America - where ALL people have rights.…
derek schwartz's avatar
From @derek_mafs
@AOC If you came here illegally....
Rob 🇺🇸's avatar
From @Robstark50
@AOC Hey @AOC you should open a phone hotline, so U.S. Citizens can call and report the illegals to ICE.
Chris Papio's avatar
From @SteLenaFoster
@derek_mafs @AOC It’s called seeking asylum genius it’s not against the law!!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Or, you could urge Trump to point out to AOC's base how pro-Big Biz she is on immigration. Odd how Trump refuses to go after one of the root causes of illegal immigration. MT @Robstark50 [AOC should] open a phone hotline, so U.S. Citizens can call and report the illegals to ICE
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SteLenaFoster: plus, @derek_mafs tweets a vid of Trump saying illegal aliens have to "go back", even though Trump's first #immigration plan was the Jeff Flake-Luis Gutierrez "touchback" amnesty: illegal aliens would return home then they could come right back. Trump = amnesty.