Tweets to michael j saul

michael j saul's avatar
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michael j saul
United States
Retired/ex-NASA space jock/ world traveler/golf nut/golf course marshal/foot prints and heart left on The Great Wall for returning. Veteran of a Foreign War NAM
Tweets to this user:
michael j saul's avatar
From @golfhat
@eenayo @AOC I have seen with my own eyes the Federal buses coming through Oregon last October with Blacked out winโ€ฆ
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@golfhat: really think about what's happening. GWB inflamed the left, in order to get amnesty. Trump supports amnesty. Amnesty would greatly help Big Biz. Trump is very pro-Big Biz. P.S. @eenayo is not only very pro-Big Biz, she claims a tweet from Nov supports AOC's latest.