Tweets to Jeff Hauser

Jeff Hauser's avatar
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Jeff Hauser
Washington, DC
My personal views alone on politics & sports. Run Revolving Door Project at @CEPRDC Subscribe to our biweekly newsletter: https://revolvingdoorproject.substack
Tweets to this user:
Jeff Hauser's avatar
From @jeffhauser
Great piece about how Democratic oversight can get at Trump undermining public policy & breaking the law by looking…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Are there any bad pieces that confirm your biases? MT @jeffhauser Great piece about how Democratic oversight can get at Trump undermining public policy & breaking the law by looking into his corrupt allies, rather than relying solely on seeking executive branch documents.
Jeff Hauser's avatar
From @jeffhauser
This statement presupposes that Facebook grew organically, rather than via dozens (hundreds) of reversible mergers…
Greg Greene's avatar
From @ggreeneva
@jeffhauser Also: "successful American company," LOL. Successful at delivery of shareholder value? Sure. At growth…
Jeff Hauser's avatar
From @jeffhauser
@ggreeneva I think there's a lot of economically significant evidence that they have been at times more of an Irish…
Greg Greene's avatar
From @ggreeneva
@jeffhauser Yep, that point too.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ggreeneva: @jeffhauser wants to go after Trump's business "allies", despite Trump fans not GAFF about that or what Trump did in 1985. I want to challenge & show wrong Trump's *current* proxies on Trump's *current* how policies will fail his base. Which plan is smart?