Tweets to . πŸ”¬ Heritage German Native American

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. πŸ”¬ Heritage German Native American
U S of Eternal provacationers
I AM a Mother, born & raised in Flint, Mi 🎡
Tweets to this user:
amna's avatar
From @IAmAmnaNawaz
A 16-year-old boy from Guatemala has died in US govt custody, US official confirms. First reported by @Haleaziz
. πŸ”¬ Heritage German Native American's avatar
From @CanaryFliesAt
@IAmAmnaNawaz @Haleaziz Thank You @Haleaziz
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@CanaryFliesAt: 1. in MX & most of the rest of the world, 16-year-olds aren't children. 2. As with Trump/Steinle, @IAmAmnaNawaz & @Haleaziz are using a tragic death to push their loose borders agenda. The difference is their agenda means *more* deaths. Plz think things through.