Tweets to Chad P. Bown

Chad P. Bown's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Chad P. Bown
Washington, DC
Reginald Jones Senior Fellow, @PIIE | Co-host @Trade__Talks podcast | Former policy: @ObamaWhiteHouse CEA, @WorldBank, @WTO | Tweets/RTs my own
Tweets to this user:
Chad P. Bown's avatar
From @ChadBown
Record amount of US soybeans in storage (stocks) trying to wait out the trade war and a re-opening of foreign markeโ€ฆ
Charles Dignam's avatar
From @CharlesDignam
@ChadBown @crampell Everything Trump touches is ruined.
JKKAF Capital, LLC โœŠ๐Ÿฝ's avatar
From @californiacpa21
@ChadBown They voted for trump. Let them sink
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Isn't that as sociopathic, unpatriotic, incorrect, & counter-productive as when "conservative" "patriots" turn their backs on California? MT @californiacpa21 [soybean "farmers" supposedly being hurt by Trump's trade policy] voted for trump. Let them sink
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@CharlesDignam: Trump's horrific, but @ChadBown & similar should be on the other side from liberals. Everything those like Chad do redounds to Big Biz' benefit (his crocodile tears about soybean "farmers" aside).