Tweets to Erielle Davidson

Erielle Davidson's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Erielle Davidson
New England to Washington DC
Hill stuff for @DanCrenshawTX | @ClaremontInst & @HooverInst alum | pro-@Israel jew | @Middlebury “midd kid” | @GeorgetownLaw & @FedSoc | views are my own
Tweets to this user:
Erielle Davidson's avatar
From @politicalelle
Placed at the *very* end of the book is a stunning detail, per @MZHemingway: "’It just didn't make any sense,’ life…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
I & millions of others think of those like you two *and* @rpogrebin as just parasitic grifters. Ergo, tough sell. MT @politicalelle Placed at *very* end of book is a stunning detail, per @MZHemingway: [Blasey Ford] lifelong friend Leland Keyser [apparently doesn't believe CBF]
David Reaboi's avatar
From @davereaboi
Celebrate ⁦@politicalelle⁩’s birthday by reading her latest in the ⁦@FDRLST⁩!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
I will. And, as soon as I get my Trump Bonus Check from the Trump Tax Cuts and the Trump Patriots Payoffs, I'll be sure to buy her book or other products. MT @davereaboi Celebrate ⁦@politicalelle⁩’s birthday by reading her latest in the ⁦FDRLST⁩!