Tweets to Nayyera

Nayyera's avatar
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DC ✈️ Staten Island, NY ⛴
Lotsa talk @SiriusXM. Host, The Resistance Abroad. Fmr Senior many things in gov’t: White House, State, Pelosi. Obama 08. Mama to The Kid. Nap, please.
Tweets to this user:
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@nayyeroar: how did Trump win (& continues to win) when he's been furiously opposed by our best and brightest: Dem leaders, the MSM, Kathy Griffin, you, Chait, Jeet, CAP, Cher, MMFA, ADL, SPLC, Alyssa Milano, ACLU, the NYT/WaPo/LAT editorial boards, David Faustino, Cher, .......
Nayyera's avatar
From @nayyeroar
Kudos to networks airing the Democratic rebuttal and all the journalists doing fact checks. THIS is our democracy at work! #TrumpAddress
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Congress would tear down Trump "wall" when he's out of office. Name a journalist who's called him on it. Also, we aren't a "democracy". MT @nayyeroar Kudos to networks airing Dem rebuttal & all the journalists doing fact checks. THIS is our democracy at work! #TrumpAddress