Tweets to KDizne aka KDizne719

KDizne aka KDizne719's avatar
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KDizne aka KDizne719
Luvr of God, FAM, TB, Haiti, Orphans, Giraffes, Disney-NDA5, EOs & BKS 4 KIDS Opinions expressed r only mine PLS DONT RANDOMLY ADD ME TO ANY TYPE OF LIST!
Tweets to this user:
Brock Long's avatar
From @FEMA_Brock
Spent today touring devastated portions of Paradise with @SecretaryZinke. As these fires continue causing massive d…
KDizne aka KDizne719's avatar
From @dizneluver
@FEMA_Brock @TakLandrock @SecretaryZinke And make a plan for all humans and animals BEFORE it is needed!!!
Jody.aka..Deplorable's avatar
From @JodyJobickers
@FEMA_Brock @SecretaryZinke The need is real.. butte, glenn, tehama counties have plenty of spaces for rv's, camper…
Jenna Janaki's avatar
From @JennaJanaki
@FEMA_Brock @SecretaryZinke Yet there is another disaster in your hands. Hoping you will help the desperate and nee…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JodyJobickers says to @FEMA_Brock @SecretaryZinke: "[there's lots of space for rvs etc, get people in them & out of parking lots]" Trump admin is a show, completely unrelated to good governance or competence. You need bad optics pinned on Trump to force Trump to do something.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@dizneluver: @FEMA_Brock only placed a rush order for sat phones *after* Maria. Part of that is intense incompetence of GOP lifers. Part is GOP desire to scuttle FEMA, etc. They skate because MSM can't develop plans either & also has to always Gramsci everything up.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JennaJanaki: Trump's a RE guy, he could figure out a way to replace #CampFire homes. Plop double wides down in WalMart's field in a homesteading arrangement or subsidized payments, etc. That's a solution, but @FEMA_Brock are just grossly incompetent grifters.