Tweets to The Circus on Showtime

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The Circus on Showtime
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Mark McKinnon's avatar
From @mmckinnon
.@ewarren had a great debate this week. We caught up with her the morning after. Here’s a preview from Sunday’s…
Nevin Kohler's avatar
From @nevinkohler
@mmckinnon @DavidCornDC @ewarren @SHO_TheCircus She had a great debate, then flip-flopped on Super PACs supporting…
John Elson's avatar
From @forwardDEMS
@mmckinnon @DavidCornDC @ewarren @SHO_TheCircus
Маддерчаттер67's avatar
From @Madderhatter67
@mmckinnon @DavidCornDC @ewarren @SHO_TheCircus Her platform is "We need to remove Trump". No policy.
Jessica Fa-la-la-la-l-Alsberg's avatar
From @jessicsm
@Madderhatter67 @mmckinnon @DavidCornDC @ewarren @SHO_TheCircus That is the most hilarious lie. I mean, her problem…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jessicsm: both Trump & Lizzie Warren are very pro-Big Biz, despite their bluster. Both would help U.S. Chamber/Koch/Walmart/etc lower wages. Despite the awshucks, @mmckinnon is very much a corporate stooge. He's not going to call her on how she'd help harm workers.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@forwardDEMS: MAGOP opposed Warren over her immigration policies. Then, nat'l GOP took over & made it Pocahontas 24/7. Nat'l GOP doesn't want to talk about Lizzie + immigration because they basically agree with her. Challenge a leader who cries Pocahontas to discuss immigration
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@nevinkohler: both @mmckinnon & Lizzie Warren are very pro-Big Biz on immigration; both would help Koch flood USA with cheap labor. Point that out to those who think Lizzie is pro-worker (& to those duped by Mark).
The Circus on Showtime's avatar
From @SHO_TheCircus
.@MMcKinnon questions gubernatorial candidate @RonDeSantisFL about the immigrant caravans approaching the border.…
Renée🌊🆘2020 #resist's avatar
From @rjw411
@SHO_TheCircus @mmckinnon @RonDeSantisFL The brilliance of this show is that all of the hosts ask questions then th…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Unless you're very familiar w/ #immigration as I am, you don't know how pols are lying about it. McKinnon would *never* challenge a pro-Big Biz pol on immigration. MT @rjw411 The brilliance of [#TheCircus w/ @mmckinnon] is that all of the hosts ask questions then they LISTEN
AKA Donald J. Trump's avatar
From @AKADonaldTrump
Karen Myatt's avatar
From @karenamyatt
@AKADonaldTrump Consider @SHO_TheCircus. Great reporting. I learn something every week. Superb story-telling. ( And…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@karenamyatt: has #TheCircus ever followed the $ on mass/illegal #immigration, revealing all the Big Biz outfits that fund pols who turn a blind eye to massive illegal activity? Has @mmckinnon looked int why Big Biz does that? P.S. Both Trump & McKinnon side w Big Biz.