Tweets to Nonexistent Ducey/Sinema Voter 🦄

Nonexistent Ducey/Sinema Voter 🦄's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Nonexistent Ducey/Sinema Voter 🦄
Arizona, USA
Bio: 🐘🍺✝️😎🍜🐸🏜⚜️
Tweets to this user:
Arizona Patriot's avatar
From @patriot_arizona
RT @PhxGOP: Twitter's shadowbanning reaches laughable levels. This is beyond obvious. When will you fix this, @TwitterSupport? @delbius @vi…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
They won't, as long as cons falsely & selfishly make it all about them. Twitter shadowbans all kinds of users, see my top tweet. MT @patriot_arizona RT @PhxGOP: Twitter's shadowbanning reaches laughable levels. This is beyond obvious. When will [Twitter] fix this
Sheik Yerbouti's avatar
From @YerboutiSheik
If everyone turns off their Quality Filter, twitterss #QFDshadowbanned crap won't work.I saw a tweet earlier explai…
Nonexistent Ducey/Sinema Voter 🦄's avatar
From @PhxGOP
@YerboutiSheik I’m not sure that’s true since (1) twitter is still throttling so many conservative accounts, and (2…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@PhxGOP @YerboutiSheik: #Twitter heavily censors all kinds of users: libs, cons, Target customers, Mike Trout fans, etc. etc. See the reports at my pinned tweet for the details. All non-verified users need to be worried. Cons *help* Twitter by falsely making it all about them.
Nonexistent Ducey/Sinema Voter 🦄's avatar
From @PhxGOP
RT @getongab: .@vijaya, Twitter’s head of “Trust and Safety” “cringes” when she hears that people call Twitter the “free speech wing of the…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
100 million users need to be worried about being censored by Twitter: see my top tweet. To give Twitter a great big sad, just point that out. MT @PhxGOP RT @getongab: @vijaya... "cringes" when she hears that people call Twitter the "free speech wing of the free speech party"...