Tweets to Russell F (2nd Civil War Vet)

Russell F (2nd Civil War Vet)'s avatar
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Russell F (2nd Civil War Vet)
Texas, USA, The stable, genius part of Texas.
Born and Raised Texas Republican until 2016. wonder why.. They are hopeless. Sick of rights being trampled on. Here to watch the trumpster fire! #FBR
Tweets to this user:
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@abbeyzoe2209 @russellfntx: FYI, #Twitter censored your replies to @Parscale. In fact, they heavily censor libs replying to him, despite his claims that Twitter mostly censors cons (details on request). Calling him on that would undercut him & Trump. Urge a reporter to do it.