Tweets to Will Westcott

Will Westcott's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Will Westcott
For our part, we dreamed of something marvelous.
Tweets to this user:
Paul Joseph Watson's avatar
From @PrisonPlanet
Newsflash for “conservatives” who think they can avoid being banned by staying silent during this purge; You’re next. Intellectual cowards.
Will Westcott's avatar
From @westland_will
@PrisonPlanet Paul, you know who is responsible for this internet purge of right-wing accounts, so why are you sile…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
#Twitter censors all kinds of users: see my top tweet. That makes them extremely vulnerable. Watson refuses to use that against them even though it'd greatly help him MT @westland_will @PrisonPlanet Paul, you know who is responsible for this internet purge of right-wing accounts
Will Westcott's avatar
From @westland_will
I still can't get over this tweet. To our ruling class, the purpose of America is GDP and minority uplift. Our anc…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@westland_will: if you want to strike back at Trump's handlers, point out to #MAGA Kellyanne got paid by Zuckerberg to deceive about amnesty: You can show GOPChairwoman to be ignorant or a liar using my top tweet. Will you help with that?