Tweets to Committee to Protect Journalists

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Committee to Protect Journalists
The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is an independent, nonprofit organization that promotes #pressfreedom worldwide. Contact:
Tweets to this user:
Mike Forsythe  傅才德's avatar
From @PekingMike
Maria Ressa (⁦@mariaressa⁩) is on fire at ⁦@pressfreedom⁩ awards. She is making an impassioned plea to stand up to…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
You're all very pro-censorship, you're just upset you aren't the censors. MT @PekingMike @mariaressa⁩ is on fire at ⁦@pressfreedom⁩ awards w/ impassioned plea to stand up to tech platforms that spread lies and beware of Chinese tech spreading China’s censorship regime
Matt Dornic's avatar
From @mdornic
AT&T gave $250k to @pressfreedom. Randall Stephenson: “Journalists around the world do the important work of holdin…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Real freedom would be looking at the cost of NeoLiberal policies esp immigration. Not in a Trump way but in a smart, honest way. Which will happen first: you and PF will do that or hell will freeze over? MT @mdornic AT&T gave $250k to @pressfreedom
Sherif Mansour's avatar
From @sherifmnsour
RT @pressfreedom: .@kambizf, an Iranian-American journalist, told CPJ, “Self-censorship among journalists has also increased in the @Hassan…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@sherifmnsour @pressfreedom @kambizf: the open source app in my top tweet shows all the tweets that were censored to various accounts. #Twitter is heavily censoring replies to USA govt officials: around 20% to 50%. Try it with officials of other countries & post the results.