Tweets to erin griffith

erin griffith's avatar
Twitter handle: 
erin griffith
San Francisco, CA
New York Times writer covering start-ups and venture capital 📈💥 get my newsletter🦄
Tweets to this user:
erin griffith's avatar
From @eringriffith
every time a non-writer friend asks "how's work going??" i either stare at them with dead eyes or gush about how lu…
Farhad Manjoo's avatar
From @fmanjoo
@eringriffith Omg this is so real. This is very good. Subject has “requests” is painfully true
Farhad Manjoo's avatar
From @fmanjoo
@eringriffith Only quibble is for me assignment/idea at the start is the highest peak, no other point ever gets that high
Sushma Subramanian's avatar
From @sushmaaaaaaaa
@fmanjoo @eringriffith Yes! Sometimes I think I like pitching and getting ideas approved more than I like writing and getting stories read.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@sushmaaaaaaaa: cute chart from @eringriffith. Has she ever told the truth about controversial topics like immigration & trade, or do we have to wait for a cutesy chart?
Tor "@SolarFred" Valenza's avatar
From @SolarFred
@eringriffith @Stphn_Lacey Truths.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SolarFred: FYI, @eringriffith blocked me over the 2nd tweet where I pointed out she isn't a credible source.
erin griffith's avatar
From @eringriffith
So many good lines in @lmatsakis’ report from the ethereal conference this weekend:
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@eringriffith: my data - real data, not anecdata - shows #Twitter heavily censors replies to Ajit Pai, Scott Pruitt, Tom Cotton, HouseGOP, PaulRyan, Mnuchin, & dozens more. @lmatsakis fully supports Twitter silencing #TheResistance and helping Trump proxies avoid vox populi.