Tweets to Monica Castillo

Monica Castillo's avatar
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Monica Castillo
New York, NY
Writer & critic for hire. @NAHJ Region 2 Director. @USCAnnenberg/ @BU_Tweets grad. ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡บ Contact: mcastimovies @ gmail
Tweets to this user:
Mo Ryan's avatar
From @moryan
Thread alert! As @brianstelter confirmed, I've decided to embark on a new set of adventures. Friday is my last dayโ€ฆ
Monica Castillo's avatar
From @mcastimovies
@moryan @brianstelter @Variety Congrats! Looking forward to your next move.
Mo Ryan's avatar
From @moryan
@mcastimovies Thank you so very much, Monica!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@moryan: FYI, @mcastimovies is on the same side of #immigration as the #Koch bros, McDonald's, WalMart, Amazon, sweatshops, Microsoft, Tyson Foods, Facebook, Western Growers, USChamber... What about you? Are you a real liberal or do you side with the Koch bros like her?