Tweets to John Oberlin

John Oberlin's avatar
Twitter handle: 
John Oberlin
I live in a house on NC coast
I'm an educated guy who cares about the world and trying to make it a little better place. I've never seen someone spread so much hate and ignorance as Trump.
Tweets to this user:
GoldenRule1's avatar
From @cooperchip1
RT @OMGno2trump: Hey #MAGA, here are some facts Trump and @FoxNews won't tell you. - illegal immigration from Mexico is the lowest its been…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Murdoch is a strong amnesty fan (he even testified for it before Congress). You're on *his* side. #TheResistance MT @cooperchip1 RT @OMGno2trump: Hey #MAGA, here are some facts Trump and Fox won't tell you. - illegal immigration from Mexico is the lowest its been...