Tweets to Dan Kim 김명준

Dan Kim 김명준's avatar
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Dan Kim 김명준
Queens, New York
Appa. Former US Army infantry person. Current restaurant/wine person. Equality for all, not a select few. Oxford comma. This is the way. #VetsForGunReform #LFC
Tweets to this user:
Rookie City Sergeant's avatar
From @RookieCityCop
RT @danielmkim: Get in the goddamn sea, @AnnCoulter. You want just a partial rundown? Page Act People v. Hall Chinese Exclusion Act Lum v.…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
A German tourist just got here. Are they responsible for any of those? An Italian just became an American. Are they responsible for any of those? MT @RookieCityCop MT @danielmkim: Get in the goddamn sea, @AnnCoulter [list of Asian grievances against whites]
Dan Kim 김명준's avatar
From @danielmkim
Sorry to disappoint you, @AnnCoulter, lots of diversity & no open warfare here in NYC. But nice dog whistle for a w…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@danielmkim: you're just venting. Makes you feel better but doesn't affect her. When you want to affect Coulter: