Tweets to Joey Mongeau ن

Joey Mongeau ن's avatar
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Joey Mongeau ن
Massachusetts, USA
Roman Catholic. TLM Lover. Painter. Professional Sleeper. 23
Tweets to this user:
Jeffrey Allan's avatar
From @JeffreyAllan61
Auxilium Christianorum
Joey Mongeau ن's avatar
From @JoeytheMongeau
@JeffreyAllan61 @S_Davidson33 I'm sure you'll like this prayer Association then!
Shawna  Davidson's avatar
From @S_Davidson33
@JoeytheMongeau @JeffreyAllan61 Beginning to pray it now...your name will be included! Mary, Help of Christians, Pray for us!
Joey Mongeau ن's avatar
From @JoeytheMongeau
@S_Davidson33 @JeffreyAllan61 Thanks! They're connect to a new religious Society in Oklahoma
Shawna  Davidson's avatar
From @S_Davidson33
@JoeytheMongeau Very Interesting! Do you know, or are you able to share more information?
Joey Mongeau ن's avatar
From @JoeytheMongeau
@S_Davidson33 Societas Matris Dolorosissimae.
Shawna  Davidson's avatar
From @S_Davidson33
@JoeytheMongeau THANK YOU! I am very drawn to these prayers, & to supporting our heroic priests who do this very difficult work for Christ.
Joey Mongeau ن's avatar
From @JoeytheMongeau
@S_Davidson33 He use to teach at the FSSP seminary in Nebraska, Fr. Ripperger
Shawna  Davidson's avatar
From @S_Davidson33
@JoeytheMongeau Had to smile when you mentioned FSSP. I'm a "diocesan Catholic", but one of their chapels is close to my home & I love them
Joey Mongeau ن's avatar
From @JoeytheMongeau
@S_Davidson33 Im Diocesan too hahah... Unfortunately their closest parish to me is in PA, and im in MA
Shawna  Davidson's avatar
From @S_Davidson33
@JoeytheMongeau Sorry to hear that! We are so blessed our AB invited them to our area. I love seeing all the Priests working for one Church!
Joey Mongeau ن's avatar
From @JoeytheMongeau
@S_Davidson33 Im still a member of their Confraternity tho, and we have the TLM! More and more priests are learning it
Shawna  Davidson's avatar
From @S_Davidson33
@JoeytheMongeau Praise God! Ever Ancient, Ever New! Our Catholic Faith is a timeless & bottomless treasure, & Holy Mass is a slice of Heaven
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@S_Davidson33: I need help stopping euthanasia bills. Please help find people to submit questions to