Tweets to Ezra Levin

Ezra Levin's avatar
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Ezra Levin
Co-Founder and Co-Executive Director of @IndivisibleTeam with @leahgreenb. And our book is out!
Tweets to this user:
Ezra Levin's avatar
From @ezralevin
This is so damn brave. Warren is the only senator in the race willing to say how she'll get things done. [Quick thr…
Adam's avatar
From @PhamilyDoc
@ezralevin @LOLGOP You’re ignoring @PeteButtigieg. He has plans for structural, long term change as well.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@PhamilyDoc: pols' grand plans are full of holes. I accurately predicted in 2015 how Trump's Muslim ban & "wall" would fail. Did you see @ezralevin trying to get Trump pressed on that? Likewise, he daren't press Warren etc on the holes in their policies. That's not patriotic.
Cameron Joseph's avatar
From @cam_joseph
Liberals are livid. “It’s morally reprehensible and political malpractice," @ezralevin told me. "They grew a pair o…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@cam_joseph: you blog "Progressives & immigrant advocates are furious at Sen Dems for agreeing to end [#DACAshutdown] w/o any guarantee they'll win protections for undocumented immigrants brought..." How's depriving MX of the kids they need to lower US wages "progressive"?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ezralevin: should ppl rant & rave at Reps, tell personal stories, or ask tightly focused policy questions designed to show the Rep wrong?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
MT @ezralevin Oh, your GOP Sen isn't holding town halls this recess? 4th of July parades and fairs are CATNIP to politicians.Find them there