Tweets to uberfeminist

uberfeminist's avatar
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Ann Coulter's avatar
From @AnnCoulter
"She committed a felony in 2008, wasn't until President Donald Trump...that she was deported" THANK YOU,โ€ฆ
uberfeminist's avatar
From @uberfeminist
she lied to get the honest job that @AnnCoulter doesn't have, but to Ann the manipulator it's just another 'felony'.
uberfeminist's avatar
From @uberfeminist
imagine lying to get a job at a mini golf, only to later have all the oxy-addled Trumpkin shouting "you're a criminal!" @AnnCoulter
uberfeminist's avatar
From @uberfeminist
crazy left: "real threat" is white male ecoterrorism. crazy right: "real threat" is immigrants faking SS card @AnnCoulter
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
MT @uberfeminist crazy left: "real threat" is white male ecoterrorism. crazy right: "real threat" is immigrants faking SS card [to Coulter]
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@uberfeminist: Trump/Coulter/Breitbart dumb opposition to illegal #immigration *way*, *way* down. It represents massive corruption et al.
uberfeminist's avatar
From @uberfeminist
Apparently Scott Adams (the Dilbert guy) is a fucking lunatic
uberfeminist's avatar
From @uberfeminist
"breach of fiduciary responsibility" "treason" Scott Adams is pure nutjob
uberfeminist's avatar
From @uberfeminist
Scott Adams actually thinks that Twitter is rigging an election & undermining 1st amendment by shadowbanning Scott Adams
uberfeminist's avatar
From @uberfeminist
Shadowbanning happens. A problem. Go use 4chan if you don't like it. But 'treason'? Fuck off, you sovereign citizen nutjob @ScottAdamsSays
uberfeminist's avatar
From @uberfeminist
Trump's going to lose the election because of the shit Trump says. Who's out to get you, Scott? The jews under your bed? @ScottAdamsSays
uberfeminist's avatar
From @uberfeminist
You're white, male, rich, you have 83K followers & a fucking cartoon strip. Put the Oxycontin down, nobody is silencing you @ScottAdamsSays
uberfeminist's avatar
From @uberfeminist
"As a patriot, I would feel obligated to help kill Twitter." What is this, a Normandy for entitled pussies? Get a grip @ScottAdamsSays
uberfeminist's avatar
From @uberfeminist
"if Dilbert last for a thousand years, men will still say, this was Scott's finest hashtag." @ScottAdamsSays
uberfeminist's avatar
From @uberfeminist
it seems the most challenging work you've completed this year is making Adam Baldwin seem lucid. congrats @ScottAdamsSays
uberfeminist's avatar
From @uberfeminist
Apparently I'm fat and bearded and jealous of Dilbert's escorts
uberfeminist's avatar
From @uberfeminist
fans of Scott Adams are so triggered about the Pakistani flag, their attention span must be cartoon strip length
uberfeminist's avatar
From @uberfeminist
"did you notice the Pakistani flag in her profile?!?!?! must be a (((conspiracy)))"
uberfeminist's avatar
From @uberfeminist
oh my god Scott Adams has shadowbanned me, this is treason, breach of 1A and fiduciary responsibility, I will fightโ€ฆ
uberfeminist's avatar
From @uberfeminist
We shall fight @ScottAdamsSays on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@uberfeminist: best way to undercut @ScottAdamsSays: point out to his fans how fake Trump's plans are: