Tweets to Ari Cohn

Ari Cohn's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Ari Cohn
Chicago, IL | Philadelphia, PA
#FreeSpeech lawyer & Director at @TheFIREorg, Fighting #Illini fan and music junkie, with a badass dog. Tweets/opinions are my own.
Tweets to this user:
Unknown user's avatar
From @placeholderacctignorethis
(((Yair Rosenberg)))'s avatar
From @Yair_Rosenberg
@CHSommers @JYuter @JeffreyGoldberg Of course!
Christina Sommers 🧢's avatar
From @CHSommers
@Yair_Rosenberg @JYuter @JeffreyGoldberg My Hebrew name is Leah Sommers, by the way.
Social Distancing is Cool's avatar
From @ElissaBeth
@CHSommers @Yair_Rosenberg @JYuter @JeffreyGoldberg Christina, I didn't know you were Jewish! There are enough of us for an alt right seder.
Ari Cohn's avatar
From @AriCohn
@ElissaBeth @CHSommers @Yair_Rosenberg @JYuter @JeffreyGoldberg That would be pretty awesome, I have to say.
Social Distancing is Cool's avatar
From @ElissaBeth
@AriCohn @CHSommers @Yair_Rosenberg @JYuter @JeffreyGoldberg Next year y'all invited to my place along w @nero @MytheosHolt & @CathyYoung63
Ari Cohn's avatar
From @AriCohn
@ElissaBeth @CHSommers @Yair_Rosenberg @JYuter @JeffreyGoldberg @nero @MytheosHolt @CathyYoung63 So there. I’ll work on a themed Haggadah.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@AriCohn: FYI, @MytheosHolt can't answer a very simple question about Trump: That's pretty sad.