Tweets to Hope Dellon

Hope Dellon's avatar
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Hope Dellon
Retired as exec editor @StMartinsPress after 40-odd (sometimes odd, often great) years. Full of Opinions on stories and politics. What's next TK. She/her
Tweets to this user:
Anne Helen Petersen's avatar
From @annehelen
IT'S VACATION BOOK RECOMMENDATION TIME, PLEASE. Long and intricate is a plus, because it means fewer books to lug,…
sarah miller's avatar
From @sarahlovescali
@annehelen For the love of God read the cazalet series
Hope Dellon's avatar
From @hopedellon
@sarahlovescali @annehelen Once read a giant omnibus (4 - 5 volumes' worth, I think) of Elizabeth Jane Howard's Caz…
sarah miller's avatar
From @sarahlovescali
@hopedellon @annehelen Omg the best
Hope Dellon's avatar
From @hopedellon
@sarahlovescali @annehelen It was at a lake years ago. People kept staring at this enormous book, and I would smile…
sarah miller's avatar
From @sarahlovescali
@hopedellon @annehelen The best
2,864,974's avatar
From @sarahburnes
@sarahlovescali @hopedellon @annehelen Also the audiobooks are superb, read by Daniel Day Lewis’s mother. Heaven.
sarah miller's avatar
From @sarahlovescali
@sarahburnes @hopedellon @annehelen Yes I know!!!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@sarahlovescali: hey Sarah, @hopedellon blocked me over correctly pointing out #WritersOnTrump was 110% ineffective at stopping Trump. Is hers a sane response of someone who wants to stop Trump, or the actions of someone with emotional issues?
Hope Dellon's avatar
From @hopedellon
RT @Independent: Almost every big claim Donald Trump just made was false
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@hopedellon: remember what I told you back in May? People like you *helped* Trump win.
Hope Dellon's avatar
From @hopedellon
RT @LizStrout: Please join me in signing this open letter regarding the candidacy of Donald Trump. #WritersOnTrump @WritersOnTrump https://…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@hopedellon @LizStrout: #WritersOnTrump has no action plan to stop Trump. You're just posturing for a very small group. #idiocracy #ows