Tweets to Carrie Mae

Carrie Mae's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Carrie Mae
United States
Law Student, Chihuahua Lover #LegallyBlonde #GoNoles #GoBucs
Tweets to this user:
Roy Cam's avatar
From @Roy_Cam
RT @kausmickey: "Non-citizenship" amnesty worst of 3 worlds 4 GOPS-1) Huge magnet for more illegals 2) Creates 2d class citizens 3) Gives D…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Roy_Cam @carriedaway16 @diana_west_: FYI, Kaus has repeatedly refused to help with a smart, easy plan that'd stop amnesty for good.
Carrie Mae's avatar
From @carriedaway16
RT @JudyYount: @latimes @villaraigosa The refusal of all pols to secure our borders is one reason Trump will win this election.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@carriedaway16 @JudyYount: obviously, some Dems agree with Villaraigosa on #immigration. Who, besides me, can show him wrong? #Trump2016
Carrie Mae's avatar
From @carriedaway16
RT @AnnCoulter: How much longer? Because of immigration, CA, OR & MN, possibly VA & FL, will never vote GOP again.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@carriedaway16: every immigration issue Coulter/Kaus whine about is something they could have helped stop if they cared. Think about it.