Tweets to Primary Incumbents OUT

Primary Incumbents OUT's avatar
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Primary Incumbents OUT
❌ 2020 Primary R & D Incumbents out. This is how we drain the Swamp. WE VOTE TERM LIMITS. #TRUMP2020
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James Woods's avatar
From @RealJamesWoods
Now do you understand why immigration is the concocted issue Democrats have blown up for so long?
Primary Incumbents OUT's avatar
From @hammetjohn
@RealJamesWoods The Gop could pass a Law prohibiting non citizens voting rights but as WE all Know they won't
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Trump could easily make arguments that undercut Pelosi, Warren, etc. *to their base*: where it matters to them. Why isn't he doing it? Why isn't #MAGA demanding it? RT @hammetjohn The Gop could pass a Law prohibiting non citizens voting rights but as WE all Know they won't
Primary Incumbents OUT's avatar
From @hammetjohn
Patriots we need a day to call Paul Ryan & tell him we feel like our life's in danger. DO SOMETHING suggestions: @jennybethm
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@hammetjohn @14Conservatives: @JennyBethM has grifted millions. Vitter got trounced & she refuses to help stop amnesty. Time for change.