Tweets to Ethan Bearman, Esq.

Ethan Bearman, Esq.'s avatar
Twitter handle: 
Ethan Bearman, Esq.
Los Angeles, CA
Owner/Attorney @bearmanfirm | πŸ“Ί Fox,CNN,HLN,DW,TRT,i24 |πŸ’―5x Heavy Hundred Talk Radio | πŸ—³ Co-Chair Hometown Values PAC |πŸŽ™#leftcoastnews
Tweets to this user:
Ethan Bearman, Esq.'s avatar
From @EthanBearman
Tucker wants to talk California with me today. I hope you get a chance to tune in 8pm ET/7pm CT/5pm Pacific Time.…
Brian Doherty's avatar
From @BDOH
@EthanBearman @GavinNewsom Actual footage of the track:
Jacob Bonfante's avatar
From @jakebonfante
@EthanBearman @GavinNewsom Wonder how many times he’s going to cut you off or yell β€œpoop in the streets!”
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Those who turn their backs on CA are unpatriotic; EB is too useless to call TC on that. Most CA problems are due to anti-American NeoLiberal policies both Ethan and Murdoch support. MT @BDOH MT @EthanBearman [I'm the designated liberal stooge while Tucker smears California]
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jakebonfante: if @EthanBearman were smart, honest & patriotic, he'd mention the main cause of CA problems: anti-American NeoLiberal policies (loose borders/free trade/globalism). Both Dems & GOP strongly support those. Murdoch even testified for amnesty. Did Ethan mention that?
Ethan Bearman, Esq.'s avatar
From @EthanBearman
@TheThomasGuide Awesome ad!!!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@EthanBearman: @TheThomasGuide thinks the solution to homelessness is... to lower taxes & regulations. Pause to admire the cheek/chutzpah! Then, be intellectually honest & admit he only wants to enrich the very billionaires who have helped increase homelessness.
Ethan Bearman, Esq.'s avatar
From @EthanBearman
I added a video to a @YouTube playlist Ethan Explains California Proposition 58
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@EthanBearman: you shouldn't make videos, but be that as it may, what choices would Santa Ana make if Prop 58 passes?
Ethan Bearman, Esq.'s avatar
From @EthanBearman
Gets you a job with the Fed - see @neelkashkari
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@EthanBearman @fredsgarden: Kashkari smeared me on Fresno radio for asking him policy questions. Why didn't you two help use against him?