Tweets to Charlie Rand

Charlie Rand's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Charlie Rand
Northwest U.S.
SUPPORT The U.S. CONSTITUTION! ~ A Miracle 1,000s Of Years in The Making. Deplorable. RTs Not Endorsements.
Tweets to this user:
Charlie Rand's avatar
From @CharlieRand9
RT @cruzgrassroots: You R not JUST voting 4 Prez, you're choosing a man 2 name next 4 Justices! #ChooseCruz #CruzCrew #PJNET #SECPrimary ht…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@CharlieRand9 @cruzgrassroots: in reality, Cruz is in deep trouble. You have to help undercut Trump. Make happen.
CAPS's avatar
From @Crowdifornia
25 Mill Foreign-Born Employed in USA while 93 Mill Not In Workforce via @cnsnews #jobs #unemployment #hireamerican
Charlie Rand's avatar
From @CharlieRand9
.@Crowdifornia Kissinger took Nixon2China 4what was s'posed to be a TRADE DEAL. Sound familiar? TPP means Jobs 4foreign Muslims. @cnsnews
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@CharlieRand9: @Crowdifornia is all hat, no cattle. For years I've been trying to get their help to stop amnesty without luck. #teaparty
Charlie Rand's avatar
From @CharlieRand9
RT @megynkelly: “I will not support this president or Congress in anything until they secure the border,” says @GovernorPerry. #KellyFile #…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@CharlieRand9: @GovernorPerry is very, very bad on #immigration, even if he talks tough about border enforcement. #KellyFile