Tweets to Tony Dungy

Tony Dungy's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Tony Dungy
Tampa, FL
Husband to @LaurenDungy, father of eleven, author (, retired NFL coach, National Spokesman for @AllProDad. Live by Mark 8:36
Tweets to this user:
MikeTirico's avatar
From @miketirico
Sorry to be late this week but here is the Monday recap with our @NBCSports FootballNight in America crewโ€ฆ
VillanMan's avatar
From @BleedCASports
@miketirico @NBCSports @TonyDungy @Rodney_Harrison @PFT_Live Mr Tirico, outstanding radio play by play work on football....
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@BleedCASports: what's ironic is @miketirico knows "football" - aka kneeball - is a far inferior sport to real football (aka soccer). He even acknowledged that while NBC was showing synchronized swimming or something rather than the Olympics football final.
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@TonyDungy, @Phil_Simms to try to avoid saying "Redskins" on TV. #doubleplusgood #tcot #teaparty #ows #uniteblue #Redskins